Saturday, August 28, 2010

NOAA Log #5

It's Fish Feeding Time...                                                                    
NOAA Teacher at Sea: Natalie Macke
NOAA Ship: Oscar Dyson       Mission:  BASIS Survey
Geographical area of cruise: Bering Sea      Date: 8/28/2010
Weather Data from the Bridge :
Visibility :  <0.5 nautical miles (Wondering what a nautical mile is??)
Wind Direction: From the W at 20 knots
Sea wave height: 2-3ft      Swell waves: WSW, 4ft 
Sea temp:9.1 oC    Sea level pressure: 1013.0 mb    Air temp: 9.7 oC
Science and Technology Log: 
Euphausiid Specimens  (zooplankton)
We're up to station #40 now and everyone certainly has their routine down.  One type of sampling I have yet to cover is the microscopic life; the base of the food web.  A look at the marine fisheries food web quickly reveals that in order to support the commercial fisheries as well as the vast number of marine mammals and ocean birds, there must be an abundance of phytoplankton and zooplankton available in the Bering Sea.  Evidence of this food chain is demonstrated by dissecting the stomach of a salmon.  The sample (in the picture below) revealed that the salmon had recently dined on euphaussids (commonly known as krill).   Before getting into how the zooplankton samples 
are collected, first let me go back and touch on the base of the food web; phytoplankton.  These samples are collected from the Niskin bottles on the CTD each cast.  The samples are preserved with formalin and will be brought back to the lab for further analysis.  Now, back to the critters..  
At every sampling station on the side deck and immediately after each CTD cast, zooplankton net tows are completed.  There are three different tows being used for the BASIS survey. The first two are vertical tows where nets that are weighted are dropped to the seafloor and then brought back to the surface thus sampling a vertical water column. The pairovet, named from the fact that is was designed as a "pair of vertical egg tows" (designed to collect pelagic egg samples) has a netting mesh size of 150 microns.  The net is simply deployed with a weight on the bottom.  When it reaches the deepest part of the water column it is brought back to the surface collecting its' sample.  Another similar net with a 168 micron mesh size is named the Juday.  Once either of these nets is brought to the deck, it is washed down and anything caught is captured in the cod end (the name for the PVC bucket at the bottom of the net).  
Cod end for Bongo
Deploying the Bongo nets off the starboard side
The last type of tow that is completed for the BASIS survey uses the Bongo nets.  This tow is considered an oblique tow since the nets essentially are lowered to about 5m from the ocean bottom and towed for a certain length of time.  If you remember from the acoustics, in daylight hours the zooplankton migrate to the ocean bottom to hide from their prey.  Since our sampling is done in daylight hours, the deep sampling depth is where we expect to find the highest density of zooplankton sample.  The mesh sizes on the two nets of the Bongo are 335 and 505 microns.  This allows for sampling of zooplankton of different sizes.   The samples are collected on board and then taken back to the lab for analysis.  They are separated by species, counted and weighed.  Biomass and species composition is determined for each sample.  The majority of the zooplankton we have seen this cruise have been euphaussids and copepods of varying types.  

Oh where, oh where does the Internet go??
So as August winds down and the school year gears up, my connection to the Internet is becoming more and more important.  Since my Oceanography class is with the Virtual High School, I have to essentially set up my virtual classroom in these upcoming days.  I'll assume my esteemed colleagues will assist me in unpacking lab equipment back at home at my physical classroom. (Even though I know.. all my orders will mysteriously wind up in other labs, I'm assured they'll be safely placed away.) 

So I tracked down Vince Welton, our Electronic's Technician for some help understanding why sometimes I can surf, and why sometimes I can't.... 


Our Internet connection is via the geostationary satellite GE 23 at 172 degrees East.  This satellite transmits over most of the Pacific Ocean (see a coverage map).  Since this satellite is positioned on the equator, that means our receiver must look essentially due south for a signal.  When our ship is northbound, the mast and stack of the Oscar Dyson simply gets in the way.  Therefore... no Internet on northbound travels.  

The Oscar Dyson also has access to two Iridium satellites for communication as well as the GE 23.   These are the SAT-B which can transmit both data and voice communications and the VSAT which only allows voice transmission.  The ship can access this set of orbiting satellites when the GE 23 is unavailable due to course of travel or weather conditions. 

  Personal Log
Yesterday, I got permission to stay on the trawl deck during one of our station trawls.  It was fun to be outside down with the net.  Jeanette helped do some taping which I hope to (during a few Internet-less days ahead) compile to a video for my classes.  Of course as fate would have it, our catch for the day (shown below) was not one for the record books or even worth remembering at all..  I guess that's what the editing process is for hmmm...  

   In the Oceanography lab, we have started our primary productivity experiments and chlorophyll analysis so learning these new procedures has been interesting and given me lots of ideas for some research topics for Edelberg's class.  All in all, I am enjoying watching, learning and doing science here in eastern Bering Sea.  One week left.. 


  1. Thanks for your explanation of the Internet access issue. Rosa had mentioned the challenges but I had not understood the underlying cause. Your grid sampling path sets up this dead-time for approximately a quarter of the cruise.
    Is the Internet reasonably reliable other than this relatively predictable outage?

  2. Unfortunately the Internet is a hit or miss luxury it seems. This morning I actually woke early (3:30AM) to get a good three hours of work done. We usually get to our stations early overnight and then they point the boat south for a good connection. But when I woke and not until about 30 min ago did we have a connection. Vince blames the weather.. Well if that's the case, I surprised we ever have a connection.. I've become the faster "blogger" in the Bering Sea it seems. BTW.. Rosa is doing a most excellent job out here.. She's been a great help.

  3. Natalie -
    Your blog is awesome! Great pictures and reporting. I hope the net is back for you soon.
    - Bruce

  4. Unfortunately as of Thurs AM our trawling is done.. Our winch is having problems so the net simply won't stay balanced. We're headed back to Dutch... (Probably taking a few last stations of Oceanography sets along the way though)

    Good thing we had beautiful weather and all of our planned station work is complete..

  5. Natalie:
    Thanks for your posts. Best wishes for a safe trip home and a good start to your school year.

  6. Some major miss-interpretations were noted from me that made me laugh pretty good here. After sitting at dinner and being drilled with all these questions as to why the internet is so spuratic, I proceeded to explain all the details. Did I mention we were eating, my concentration during that period of day is all about food, NOT Electronics, and it appears that this was also the case for Natalie, because she slaughtered everything I said LOL. Anyways the Picture shown is of the NERA (SAT-B) dome, this is basically a high speed data and voice phone, I use this for emergencies and also limited e-mail transfer when the V-Sat is inoperable due to blockage and or simply the lack of communications to the Earth Land Station. The Nera B is strickly Data and Voice operations. The Irridium in the second methode of communications when it comes to Satallite communications. The irridium is the orbiting satellites, there are 48 of these guys circling the earth, a few years ago there where 49, but if anyone remebers there was a collision with a Russian satellite and thus resulting in 1 fewer than in the past LOL, yeah traffic up there doesn't have stop lights and these things happen every so often. OK, now on to why we have limited internet, there is a dome Starboard side of the dome in the given picture that is our V-SAT (GE-23, 172E) geo stationary, like the Nera B (this is where Natalie had got lost in her diner and forgot what I had said) It is a seperate satellite than the Nera and it is a contracted deal with MTN out of Florida, bandwidth is negotiated every so many years. This year we have less bandwidth which results in a slower connection due to the fact that we share this bandwidth with other NOAA vessels. Also it is much more sensitive to atmopheric disturbances than the previous system we had on the Dyson. Space weather is also a hudge factor in reception of the carrier frequencies, which give us the internet. Due to the placement of the Dome, which houses the Dish and other above deck units, we experrience what I call block zones, we have a very large mast and stack. In the event when we have certain headings the dish is actually point directly into the mast or stack, since the system is a line of sight system. The further North we are the lower the elevation of the satellite is on the horizon. If we were closer to the equator we would have internet all the time because the satellite is higher in elevation. So what is and has always been a problem on the Dyson is our area of operations is so far north that the elevation is real low, thus causing a blocked zone. In our case normally 280 degrees to 040 degrees heading is a really bad block zone. Thus resulting in a no internet situation, thus Natalie not being able to roam around the blog while she waits for the next station to go learn something LOL. We also just had the particular system installed, it is brand new, out of the factory, which we have had problems with it since its installation at the biginning of this year. I and my rotating partner have been constantly working with the Satellite company and MTN to correct the settings and fine tune the equipment to work as it should. So all in all, Natalie was fortunate to be able to get some internet this leg of the cruise, but still a bit frustrating for everyone as we just could not get on the net and grab our resourse as easly as you would at home.

    Vincent Welton - ET
